Our aim is to ensure that all aspects of your insurance are dealt with promptly, efficiently, and fairly.
If you have a complaint, in the first instance you should contact your insurance broker or intermediary who arranged the insurance for you. They will confer with us if necessary and issue a written response outlining what you need to do if you remain dissatisfied. Continued dissatisfaction would normally involve escalating the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk) or Lloyds (www.lloyds.com/complaints) depending on the type of policy you have.
If your complaint relates to the policy wording itself, this might be something the insurer would need to respond to. In these instances, refer to your policy documentation to clarify the complaint process, or contact us for more assistance:
Telephone: 01728 441 441
E-mail: [email protected]
Write to: The Complaints Officer, Glemham Underwriting Ltd, The Technology Centre, Framlingham, Woodbridge, IP13 9EZ.