Environmental Impairment Liability
Cover for costs resulting from a pollution incident due to your clients' business activities.
We have partnered with The Hartford to bring to market an online traded environmental liability product designed to cater for all UK businesses. The key product features of coverage, efficiency, and pricing identified by our broker partners have been combined to develop our unique offering. The wording has been constructed to offer a comprehensive package suitable for both contractors and site-based risks.
Key product features

What industries would benefit from Environmental Impairment Liability?
Any business dealing with pollutants, including chemicals, oil, or fuel, or handling waste products, is at risk of causing a pollution incident. EIL insurance would benefit these businesses by providing protection from the high costs involved with cleaning up a pollution incident. Applicable industries include (but are not limited to):
Transportation – coach, haulage, marine
Waste disposal and landfill
Property developers and property owners
Motor trade
Chemical plants
We have partnered with industry experts Crawfords Environmental, who can be contacted 24/7 at the number provided in your policy documents.