Privacy policy
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018, the Data Controller in relation to any personal data You supply is Glemham Underwriting Limited.
Where We arrange an insurance contract for You, the use of Your data is necessary for You to enter into the contract and for the insurance to operate.
If You do not provide the information required, We are unlikely to be able to arrange Your insurance and may not be able to do any other business with You.
Although We refer to You, We may also collect personal data relating to people working for You or for whom You work as well as parties who make claims against You.
All personal data will be held subject to this policy irrespective of the source.
It is Glemham Underwriting Limited’s policy only to process that personal information which is essential to the underwriting of each insurance product requested and it will only process Your data for the purposes of insurance administration at all times in a lawful manner.
In addition Your information will also be used for the purposes of insurance administration by the insurer and its associated companies and agents, by their reinsurers and by Your insurance intermediary.
It may be disclosed to regulatory bodies for the purposes of monitoring and/or enforcing Glemham Underwriting Limited’s or the insurer’s compliance with any regulatory rules or codes. Your information may also be used for offering renewal, research and statistical purposes and crime prevention.
It may be transferred to any country (including countries outside the European Economic Area) for any of these purposes and for systems administration.
Where this happens, We will ensure that anyone to whom We pass Your information agrees to treat Your information with the same level of protection as if We were dealing with it.
If You give us information about another person, in doing so, You confirm that they have given You permission to provide it to us and for us to be able to process their personal data (including any sensitive personal data) and also that You have told them who We are and what We will use their data for as set out in this notice.
In the case of personal data with limited exceptions the data subject has the right to access and if necessary rectify information held about them You or they may have the right to object to or restrict Our processing of Your or their personal information, however, if You or they do, We may be unable to continue to provide services to You and this may mean that We are unable to process Your enquiry or claim or that Your insurance cover will stop. Additionally, You or they may require us to erase such data from Our records. In all instances such request should be sent to the Managing Director using the contact details below.
In assessing any claims made the insurer or its agents may undertake checks against publicly available information (such as electoral roll, county court judgments bankruptcy orders or repossessions).
Information may also be shared with other insurers either directly or via those acting for the insurer (such as loss adjusters or investigators).
To ensure We have the necessary facts to assess Your insurance risk and verify Your identity or to help prevent fraud and provide You with Our best premium and payment options it may be necessary for Us to obtain information relating to You and Your business from third parties at quotation and renewal and in certain circumstances where policy amendments are requested.
This information may include a quotation search from a credit referencing agency which will appear on Your credit report and will be visible to other credit providers It will be clear that this is an insurance quotation rather than a credit application by You to pay by monthly instalments.
In order to assess the terms of the insurance contract or administer claims that arise We may need to collect data that the Data Protection Act 2018 defines as sensitive (such as medical history or criminal convictions).
We only process personal data where it is necessary to do so for the purpose of general insurance intermediation and it is currently Our policy to hold such data indefinitely to guarantee that We are able to reply promptly and accurately to any query that may arise in the future.
We utilise automated decision-making in certain cases (where We provide products to insurance providers who transact business online) but the cover and risk selection criteria are the same as We deploy offline and decisions are reinforced manually in all cases post-sale.
We do not undertake automated client profiling and You always have the right to have Your policy underwritten offline if You wish to opt out of automated decision-making but this may mean Your insurance costs more because of the increased cost of servicing business in this way.
For all details regarding compliance with data protection laws please contact the Managing Director of Glemham Underwriting Limited via the following means:
The Managing Director
Glemham Underwriting Limited
The Technology Centre Station Road, Framlingham
IP13 9EZ
01728 441 441
[email protected]
If (following contacting Us as set out above) You are still dis-satisfied with how Your data has been processed, You are entitled to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office via the following means:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
0303 123 1113
available via the ICO's website
Glemham Underwriting Limited is arranging your insurance but the following companies are Your Underwriters and also act as Data Controllers for the purposes of Data Protection legislation. Their Privacy Policies are set out in the web links below and those underwriting Your policy are clearly identified in Your policy documents. You may contact them at any time in relation to the privacy of Your personally identifiable information and how it is used in compliance with the law.
AmTrust Europe Limited
Arch Insurance Company (Europe) Limited
Argo Management Agency Limited
Aviva Insurance Limited
Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited
The Hartford